Add Threshold effect to your Sprite Renderer and Unity UI Canvas Image.
Add it to the Sprite Renderer or Unity UI Canvas Image GameObject via the Components menu
2DxFX > Standard > Threshold
4 Gradients is available in Advanced Lightning Mode. Via the Components menu
2DxFX > Advanced Lightning > Threshold
Note : Advanced Lightning is not working with the Unity UI Canvas (UI Canvas don't use lightning)

*without and with 2DxFX Threshold
Property |
Range |
Default |
_Alpha | 0 to 1 | 1f |
Threshold | 0 to 1 | 0.5f |
Manipulate Threshold by script
// Drag and Drop your Sprite GameObject
// with the Threshold component
// to your current script on the FX_Standard_Threshold field
public _2dxFX_Threshold_Editor FX_Threshold;
void Update()
FX_Threshold._Alpha = 1f;