
Add Weather Rain_Pro effect to your camera.

Add it to the Camera GameObject via the Components menuCameraFilterPack > Weather > Rain_Pro

*without and with Camera Filter Pack Weather Rain_Pro




Fade 0f to 1f 1f
Intensity 0f to 2f 0.5f
DirectionX -0.25f to 0.25f 0.120f
Size 0.4f to 2f 1.5f
Speed 0f to 0.5f 0.275f
Distortion 0f to 0.5f 0.025f
StormFlashOnOff 0f to 1f 1f
DropOnOff 0f to 1f 1

Manipulate Weather Rain_Pro by script


// Drag and Drop your Camera GameObject 
// with the Weather Rain_Pro component 
// to your current script on the CamFX_Weather_Rain_Pro field 

public CameraFilterPack_Atmosphere_Rain_Pro CamFX_Weather_Rain_Pro; 

void Update() 
	CamFX_Weather_Rain_Pro.Fade =  1f;